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Where's Mom? (On the 1st Day of Christmas)

Writer's picture: Maury United MinistriesMaury United Ministries

Four years ago he already knew that his Mom wasn't like other Mom's.

He was in K4. His class had just returned from the library. They had checked out their very first books, ever!! and were stowing them away in their backpacks to take them home! The teacher instructed all the children that these were not "to keep" books, but they were "borrowed" books.

Upon hearing this, he pulled his library book out of his backpack and carried it across the room to the teacher. With a look of concern on his face, he handed it to her and said, "We better leave mine here someplace. My Mommy will lose it and I won't be able to bring it back."

Four years ago, he didn't know that Mommy was doing drugs . . .

He just knew that she forgot things:

Like giving him a bath before school

Like clean clothes

Like lunch for his lunch box,

Sometimes she would. . .Sometimes she wouldn't . . .

You just never knew . . . for sure.

That was then. Wish I could say that it has gotten better.

Last week, our young friend, now 8 years old, was attending his Cub Scout Christmas party at the school. It was time to "swap" gifts. When he realized that his Mom hadn't given him a gift to swap, he asked the Den Leader to "Please, wait a minute." and dashed down the hallway to his classroom. In a few minutes he returned breathless and smiling, clutching a small flat package in his hand! It was loosely wrapped in some of his school notebook paper.

After the swap, when the gift was opened everyone saw that it was his school Bible!

"It's the best thing I've got!", He said.

In many ways, the children of drug-addicted parents are just surviving. This is true of him, too. But, I must say that we who know him have been so impressed by the "style" with which he survives! His innate honesty and care and compassion for others has shone forth time and time again.

I saw his Mommy last week . . . I was out giving a MUMs ride to a lady and her baby, delivering them back to their apartment. As they were getting out of the van, I looked across the way, and there she was. She and a man were coming out of one of the other apartments.

My passenger told me that a lot of drugs come out of that particular apartment.

So, here on one side of town is a special little boy who is so thoughtful that (so a friend will not be disappointed at a gift swap) he will give the very best that he has. Here is a special little boy who is so conscientious that he won't take a library book home if there is a chance that it will be lost.

Over on the other side of town (under someone else's roof) his Mom continues in, what seems to be, an unending search for treasure through pleasure . . . . . while, under her own roof, awaits the most precious treasure that the world has to offer.

She cannot really see him

She cannot fully embrace him

She cannot give herself to his cause

Drugs are destroying her . . . They are destroying her family . . . and, she is oblivious.


Beloved Reader;

This Christmas, will you pray for this special little boy? Will you pray for his Mom, tonight and through the Christmas season? Will you pray that the Christ of Christmas will become real to her? If so, please join me now in a prayer. Let us give one of the greatest gifts that we can give to this special little boy and to all those like him. Let us pray.


"Father God, through our Lord Jesus, we ask you to intervene in the life of this little boy and in the lives of those like him. We ask you to miraculously move in the life of his Mom.

We pray that she would be delivered from drug addictions and from the fears that led to the addictions.

We pray that drug dealers would be exposed in Maury County and that they would be put out of business.

We pray for the restoration of families.

We pray that all these little "treasures" would be blessed with loving Dads and Moms and Uncles and Aunts and GrandDads and GrandMoms, whether by blood relation or by "adoption".

Lord, hear our prayer and move on their behalf, in a Mighty way, bringing Glory and Honor to YourSelf.

Only You can do these things.

We ask for these blessings in the Name of Jesus and we pray that all Glory go to You, through Him.

And, we thank You. Amen."


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